Is your kid looking to secure a scholarship to help pay for college? With just some extra work and some creative thinking, scholarships can significantly reduce the cost of college. So, how do you get them? Today on the blog we wanted to touch on a few ways WNY students can prepare themselves for, access, and win scholarships to help pay for college.
Share these tips with your kids to help them out!
Whether you are pursuing a degree at a local college or planning to study out-of-state, here are some pointers that can make obtaining a scholarship easier. Discover the top strategies available to students everywhere and take a step toward easing the financial strain of college tuition.
Here are Seven Scholarship Tips for WNY Students
Listing Your Unique Attributes Can Help Get You Started
Different scholarships are provided for different achievements and specialties. To maximize your chances of finding the ideal scholarship opportunity, start by writing down what you feel are your unique qualities, experiences, and accomplishments.Â
Think about not only your academic achievements but also your extracurricular activities and your personal characteristics. Include non-academic attributes such as hobbies, life circumstances, and other factors that highlight your individuality. By creating a well-rounded list, you can find scholarship opportunities that align with who you are, and also better understand how you can separate from the competition who are also applying for the same scholarships.
Starting with a Detailed Outline Can Help You Write Your Scholarship Essay
Any writing should always start off with an outline! Structure your outline with a clear thesis statement, supporting points, and well-organized quotes or citations you plan to incorporate. This simple step will help ensure your essay flows logically and stays focused on your key message. Failing to prepare is preparing to fail. The more work you put into outlining your essay, the easier it will be to fill in the blanks and write it.
Always Showcase Authenticity in Your Scholarship Essays
Scholarship committees value authenticity and originality in the essays they review. Rather than relying on clichés or writing what you think the committee expects, focus on being honest, sincere, and true to your own voice. Return back to your list of your unique experiences, passions, and perspectives to differentiate yourself from other applicants.
By sharing your genuine truth, you'll make a lasting impression and increase your chances of standing out in the selection process. You don’t need to embellish or reach for an unrealistic version of yourself. The more authentic you write, the more of a connection you can make with your reader.Â
Consider Focusing on Local Scholarships for Better Opportunities
National scholarships are great, and they may garner more attention and publicity, but those are going to have higher levels of competition in the form of other applicants. Local scholarships will provide a student with a better opportunity for success.Â
This means a smaller pool of applicants in your local area, rather than thousands of applicants from all over the US. You can check out our local scholarships page to get an idea of some of the scholarships around WNYÂ beyond the Young Achievers Scholarship that will open up at the beginning of 2025. Be sure to reach out to your guidance counselors for any potential scholarships that they may have access to as well.Â
Minimize Your Workload by Repurposing
Let’s face it: scholarship applications aren’t easy! They also can be time-consuming. This doesn’t mean you can’t apply for more than one! There are plenty of other things on your plate when planning ahead for college, but remember that the money you owe at the end of college can be significantly less if you put in the work now.
The more you study the prompts of the scholarships, the more you can think smarter, not harder. Finding scholarships with similar prompts can help you repurpose your essay for different applications.
You often don’t need to start totally from scratch when it comes to preparing a scholarship essay. Leverage the work you’ve already done! Minimize your workload and maximize your applications. Once you’ve done one, you may have an essay that can be used for several applications, even if it needs just a little editing for each one.Â
Always Have a Proofreader.Â
Be sure to always have someone proofread your work before sending it in. This helps to ensure you don’t have any silly mistakes, misspellings, etc. Your proofreader can be anyone! They don’t need to be a writing wizard to just give your essay a lookover and read through to make sure it all looks, sounds, and feels accurate and authentic. You could ask your parent, your friend, a teacher, or someone you trust to give you honest feedback.
Your first draft may likely require a bit more work to be something you're fully proud of. Good writing takes time, patience, and a great proofreader!Â
Bonus tip-Don’t be afraid to use free tools like Grammarly to ensure you’re using proper grammar and spelling.Â
Remember, If You Don’t Try, You Can’t Win!
If there’s one thing we hope you take away from this blog it’s that you should always try to apply for scholarships. You may not always win, but if you don’t give it a shot, you won’t have a chance! The worst thing that could happen is you apply and end up exactly where you started, without a scholarship, but you will certainly feel more experienced and proud of yourself for trying. Don’t be let down if you don’t win, but be sure to give it a shot and you just might end up winning FREE money for college for your efforts!Â
To maximize your scholarship opportunities, start by identifying your unique qualities—both academic and non-academic—so you can find scholarships that fit your profile. Focus on local scholarships for better odds, and streamline the application process by reusing essays and responses across similar applications. Be sure to write authentically, highlighting your true experiences and passions, and begin each essay with a clear outline to keep your writing organized.Â
Of course, you can always apply to the Young Achiever’s Scholarship here at Send Your Kids to College, where we award 3 Young Achievers with a $1000 scholarship to help pay for school! This year’s application will open up in January! Stay tuned! Be sure to follow us on Facebook for more college planning tips for families of WNY!