Know What Is Out There
Getting all your paperwork turned in to move your student forward into college can be daunting—there are many forms to fill out, and accuracy is key. Send Your Kids to College is here to help with that. With a $79 donation, our professionals will complete your FAFSA as well as NY State Tap application, and the Excelsior Scholarship application. We have a concrete understand of these applications and want to see you and your student succeed in getting into college and help you get there and stay there with all of the financial help you can get. It is important to understand what these applications are. Each one is quite different, and the outcome greatly affects how much funding your child will get for college.
The FAFSA or Free Application for Federal Student Aid, is a form that allows U.S. citizens and eligible non-citizens, to apply for federal loans, grants, and work-study programs. The purpose of the form is to calculate your eligibility for loans and grants based upon several financial factors. The factors include financial need, cost of attendance, and family contribution. It is important to keep in mind that these calculations are an estimation—so based upon the federal governments estimation, based on the financial information you provide, whatever loans and grants your student is eligible for, may and often times does not, cover the cost of tuition, housing, books, meals, and everything else that goes into going to college.
Talk to A Pro First, Sign Later
Once the application is complete, you do not need to accept anything right away. You should consult a professional to make decisions on loan amounts and other mitigating factors. As stated, the FAFSA funding made available may not cover all your costs, but more so, there may be better options out there rather than federal subsidized and un-subsidized loans. The professional financial advisors we have at SYKTC are happy to help you along the way. We want to make sure you are well informed before you or your child sign for a loan that will take decades to repay.
NY State TAP
One of the ways to help pay for college in New York State is a state program known as TAP, or Tuition Assistance Program. New York State TAP is a grant up to $5,165 that does not need to be paid back. There are requirements for students to receive TAP grants. There is a field of requirements to receive TAP, but most NY State residents are eligible. The requirements are listed here.
Excelsior Scholarship
The Excelsior Scholarship is an award program to provide tuition scholarships for New York State resident students attending public colleges and universities in New York State. If eligible, NYS students can graduate debt free through the Excelsior scholarship and other state financial assistance. One of the stipulations of the scholarship requires each recipient of the scholarship to complete at least 12 credits per semester, however there is an option to make up credits to remain eligible. You can find out more information about the scholarship and its requirements here.
Be Informed and Let Us Handle the Paperwork
As if there are not enough things to be done to prepare for college, the paperwork seems to be the most execrable and time consuming. For just a $79 donation, let Send Your Kids to College help with the paperwork. We have trained professionals that specialize in financial aid and college admissions to make this particularly important transition less of a headache and more of a milestone. We are here to help you and your family move onward and upward, give us a call, or leave your information here.