Throughout grade school and high school, students have guidance counselors and teachers to help them along the way. Once a young adult begins college, they have an academic advisor that may help them wade through the decisions of courses, scheduling, and a plan for graduation. So, why then, should there not be an advisor, or team of specialists specifically trained in ACT/SAT preparation, financial planning, scholarship aid, to help students in their most important transition period of their lives?
Guidance counselors, often just one or two in each high school, are responsible for helping 500-2500 students with their decisions on where to go to college, how to fill out FAFSA, scholarship guidance, all the while caring for the well being of students and their personal issues that are entirely separate from academics. The job of the guidance counselor, which is in nearly all cases, done very well, is a downright impossible task. There aren’t enough hours in the day for one person to give comprehensive guidance to hundreds of students while they are preparing for college. That is where Send Your Kids To College comes in.
Whether it's helping the student or the parent, we are here for you every step of the way.
Get Your Child One on One Guidance
One on one time is spent with your student to ensure that they are prepared for their educational journey ahead by working with your student to increase their ACT/SAT scores, file all necessary FAFSA forms, complete and on time, study and work with an All-Pro tutor to bring grades and scores up, and lay the financial groundwork for your student to graduate from college in four years with as little debt as possible.
A Personal Approach
Our professionals work with your child to understand their academic aptitudes and their interests. The faculty that works with your child strives to understand both the aptitudes and interests of your child, because creating a plan for college and a career cannot be sustained unless it is something that your student can connect with. 31% of students entering a four-year college actually graduate in four years. So over two thirds of college students either do not finish their education, or spend five or more years on an undergraduate degree. This equates to more loans and more stress. Even less than 31% of students stick with the major they chose when they entered their first year-- this is why it is imperative for the our team at Send Your Kids to College to understand your child’s academic abilities, and where their interests lie within their academic highlights.
Give Your Child The Tools to Succeed
Setting your child up with the tools to succeed in their journey through education is what Send Your Kids to College takes pride in doing, and with your help, your student can enter into college with the confidence in their decision to move forward with their education, and a concrete career plan for where they are headed when they complete their education.
If you are a high school student or parent who’s struggling with filling out financial aid forms like FAFSA or TAP, don’t hesitate to give us a call. We can get you pointed in the right direction and get you organized and ready to rock!